Why doesn't the Elite "Disk Lock" function work on my CK3/S3 enclosure? Категория : Specification / Capacity / Performance For the CK3/S3 enclosure to be equipped with Elite’s Disk Lock function, the following models of Transcend SSDs must be used:1. SSD370S2. SSD230S3. SSD250NIf not, the Disk Lock function may not be guaranteed. Был ли наш ответ полезен для Вас? Связанные Why does my SSD fail to boot into Windows 7 after I change the SATA setting from IDE to AHCI in the BIOS? If the files you hope to back up contain those that are not allowed to be backed up, a warning message will pop up from Elite and the backup task will be interrupted. How to repair my StoreJet on the Mac? Техническая поддержка Если наш ответ не был Вам полезен, Вы можете связаться с Отдел технической поддержки Начать