How long does it take to charge a completely depleted DrivePro Body battery? Категория : Setup / Operation It takes about 4 - 4.5 hours to fully charge a completely depleted DrivePro Body 30/60/70 battery.It takes about 2 hours to fully charge a completely depleted DrivePro Body 10C battery.For best results, charge between 0°C and 35°C (32°F and 95°F). Был ли наш ответ полезен для Вас? Связанные What should I beware of when using the DrivePro/DrivePro Body App on iOS 14 devices? What should I do if I forget the password of my DrivePro Body camera? How to check the Body Camera's firmware version and to run firmware upgrade Техническая поддержка Если наш ответ не был Вам полезен, Вы можете связаться с Отдел технической поддержки Начать